Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to piss me off!

A little back story on my TV life... I subscribe to Dish. I like my Utah sports, Grimm, Once Upon A Time,  Futurama, Big Bang Theory and The Walking Dead. Earlier this year when Dish decided that they weren't going to keep AMC I thought that it would be worked out in time for Season 3 of The Walking Dead. So far not that's not going to happen and the time is running short. Now I understand that they are trying to keep their costs down and to do that they can't just renegotiate every time some contract is up. The problem is that this isn't "some contract" IT'S FREAKING AMC! IT'S THE WALKING DEAD! I can get past that and find somewhere to watch it but it isn't easy. 

Well this last weekend with Monday being Labor Day I took my family camping on Saturday night. I know what you're thinking... "That was the Season 7 Premier of Doctor Who!" It was a tough call but I do believe that family comes first and my Father-in-Law owns a lot of guns. So with the DVR triple checked we went on our way. After a good weekend of bonfire sweets, great food and plenty of time unplugged we returned home to watch Asylum of the Daleks. Everyone was sucked in until BOOM, we missed the entire middle 25 min of the show! WTH! WHY? And then on top of that I'm trying to find it on BBCA and the next time it's showing is right before the next episode! Now that makes for a fun night, but I would rather not have to wait! 

And now your thinking... why not switch to something else now? Well, I'm going to eventually but I'm still pissed and want to rant! Now that that is done I will be on either Direct or Comcast's website for the next couple of hours. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


OH MY HELL! OH MY HELL! OH MY HELL! The countdown has begun! Thank you BBC America for announcing the return of our favorite(ish) Doctor! September 1 The Doctor will be running around with that crazy look on his face trying to find fish fingers and custard with his sonic screwdriver. That's right, in less than 2 weeks we will be blessed to see Asylum of the Daleks, the beginning of Season 7. Now I know not all of you understand the greatness that is Doctor Who, but that's just because you have been programmed not to enjoy life. The Silence has probably gotten to you and made you forget what awesomeness really is so you are stuck watching crap like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore. You do realize that that stupid show is the reason that the Nets moved to Brooklyn, right? They made New Jersey looks so bad that even the Nets had to leave. Now I'm all pissed off because you and your stupid shows! Go get on your Netflix account and get caught up on The Doctor before I have to come over and go Wookie on your ass!

For the rest of you that aren't Doppelgängers pre Solar Flare, here is the trailer for season 7. 

What are you looking forward to this season? What adventures do you hope to see? What new way is The Doctor going to use his sonic screwdriver to save the day?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Black Ops 2 Multiplayer

I can not wait for this to come out. I loved Black Ops and was a little disappointed with MW3. That could easily be because of my lack of online play with it but I seem to enjoy the maps on Black Ops more. This is why I can't wait for November! Here is the trailer to get you a little more excited... What do you think?

Friday, July 20, 2012


My heart and prayers go out to the victims of the Colorado shooting. I hope that at this time of tragedy they can find peace and strength from those that surround them, as well as those that have them in their thoughts around the world.

Before you read any further this is not going to be a common post and it is one filled with anger. It is probably more for me than for anyone else. If you don't like it or agree with it I understand. Comment if you want but remember to keep it civil. 

I had the opportunity to go and see The Dark Knight Rises today but I don't want to talk about the actual movie at this time. While I enjoyed the movie I found that it was tainted by this heinous act and caught myself looking around and thinking about the victims. Everyone is asking why someone would do this? Who is to blame? Is there going to be a copycat? Should we fear going to the movies now? I have those same questions and no answers. I have anger in my heart that I can't place anywhere but on the killer. Why in the hell can't we just stop the damn fighting? Does this fix anything? Does this happen because of how violent games and movies are? I don't know! I honestly don't believe so. I believe that people still think the way we thought thousands of years ago but in a bigger more technological way. If you look through our history and what has been taught and passed down the things that have always dominated the teachings is war. We talk about peace and teach about war! We talk about empires that are won and lost, about freedom that is gained and lost. Without these teaching we wouldn't begin to understand how great we have it. Without knowing what could have been, had someone not stood up to the tyrants of the past, we wouldn't be thankful we have a say in our leaders of today. Our world isn't perfect. We all have struggles and pains that we need to suffer through. Sometimes our struggles are hard enough to make us want to just crumble to pieces. The one thing that I have to remember is that no one can actually make me crumble but myself. If that happens then no one is to blame but me. I have seen some of the most amazing people struggle with some of the hardest things and yet they do not crumble. They may crack a little here or there but they do not crumble.  

Everyone knows this, it's not some new concept I've come up with. So why am I saying it? Well... I believe it's time we stop forcing blame onto everyone and everything else and start accepting it ourself. I am full on included in this! We live at a time when so many great things are so easily accessible that we have become complacent with allowing others to control us. Sometimes it's just easier to give the controller to someone else and let them pass the main boss for us. Not anymore! RUN YOUR LIFE, DON'T RUIN OTHERS!

I'll get back to posting about the world of Nerds later this week. I promise. It just doesn't feel right right now. If I have offended any of you from what I have said I am sorry. These are my opinions and they are not meant to offend. I would appreciate your comments if you have some, but like I said before... keep it civil! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

And... We're Back

So one post and then a short break for summer partying and family trips? What the hell right? Well we are new at this so hang with us. Lets start off by saying... I can't wait for all new movie coming out in the next little year! Avengers 2, Captain America 2, Ironman 3 and something that has made  a little excited... Expendables 2. 

But most of all I can't wait for the Prison in The Walking Dead! Think about what we are going to see... a group of people trapped/ living in a place designed to keep you trapped. It's probably infested with zombies and who knows what else. Plus the return of the one handed racist Merle. I seriously can't wait until season 3 starts! Here's a little piece for your enjoyment...


And for those of you that are Harry Potter fans I know that you have probably been looking for something that can feel the void of that Scarred Forehead Champion. And I know that there is no way anything can replace Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the Chosen One. But some fans have decided to create a tribute to J.K. Rowling by way of movie. Instead of going into the future like many of those who write fan fiction they decided to go to the past, before Harry was chosen. It may not be a big Hollywood production but it was done well and is well worth the time to watch. Check it out... 

If there is something you want to talk about, something you need to sound off on follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/FestivalOfNerdsand Twitter (@FestivalOfNerds) and tell us what you think. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Festival of Nerds: HUZZAH!

Festival of Nerds: HUZZAH!: Let's be honest right from the start, we have come together in this anonymous fashion of blogging for the simple reason that the rest of the...


Let's be honest right from the start, we have come together in this anonymous fashion of blogging for the simple reason that the rest of the world doesn't truly get us. You stay up tell 3am with a couple of buddies playing COD. You started off with 4 of you but one guy who left at midnight left because in the previous 3 hours of running around firing an RPG into the nearest wall and committing suicide wasn't enough for him to realize that his controller is still set on inverted.

Or maybe you're here because you've read Harry Potter, Sword of Shannara (Word and Void thru the entire Shannara Series) LOR, Enders Game and every other SciFi/Fantasy series you heard was even remotely good at least 3 times. And yes this does include the Twilight series because when it all comes down to it they are about Vampires and Werewolves going at each other and then teaming up to take on more vampires!

Or you could just be sick of your neighbor who won't stop telling you about how he just learned how to put his Gmail signature in HTML and how with it he is going to grow his latest Multi-Level fruit juice mixer that will also fertilize his lawn company into a billion dollar industry. You're probably even to the point that you want to take the keyboard to his PC (that he overpaid for because he had to have the ability to call up IT when it won't work only to have them ask if he's tried turning it off and on again) and smash it over his head just so you don't have to go and stop his identity from being stolen... again.

If this is you, or if you are some sort of hybrid/variation of these misunderstood few then we say to you WELCOME! This is a place that obsession is loved and encouraged! That the ability to waste your neighbor in the proper manner of gamesmanship and then mock him until he realizes his thumbs are as nimble as a hippo on land is celebrated. Here you no longer have to tell your coworkers that you dress up as Rorschach for Halloween because your kids are Nite Owl and the Silk Spectre. No! We do it because dressing up like a football player doesn't quite fit into your definition of awesome.

We are here to give Nerds a home! To make those obsessions that were scorned in the past rise up and take over the world. The Festival of Nerds is a coming together of all things Awesomeness in our world. It is for the gamer, the reader/ writer, the artists/designers and the programmers that make this possible. We want to hear your ideas as we will post ours. Mock us, slam us or praise us just don't ignore us for we will not allow it! If you have something you want to say.... say it (but keep it clean-ish because my mom might be looking)!

So without much ado and until further notice we pronounce this blog OPEN!